Cooking/ Fish

Talik’s Salmon Recipe

My mom always used to share her dishes with too many details. Whenever we entered the house and complimented the delicious smells, she would recite the entire menu, including the ingredients of each dish and the preparation process. I admit that I had never even tried to listen. Fatty and happy I would serve myself a comforting and delicious portion.
When we got here and started cooking on a regular basis, Mom started sending me recipes she tried and loved. At first it was strange. She would consult me ​​about the menu for holidays, or when there were guests, but just to send me recipes? That has not happened yet.
I always tend to cook things that are familiar and those I have tried before, but my Mom encourages me to try out new stuff.
So this is the last recipe she sent me.It’s Talik’s Salmon recipe. I love this Salmon recipe, and currently this is my favorite.
Talik, is my mother’s friend; they have been friends ever since their army service in 1978, and everyone who knows me, knows I have an Aunt called Talik. My mother, Talik and Tzipi are three best friends; they are a role model for an admirable and a courageous friendship that has lasted over 40 years.It is not just a cliché- friends from the army service are friends for life.

Perfect Baked Salmon Recipe With Herbs and Walnuts

Print Recipe
Serves: 8 Cooking Time: 50 minutes (including baking time)


  • 1 whole salmon fillet (about 2.5 pound)
  • 1 bunch coriander
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 2 garlic cloves grated
  • 3-4 gentle celery stalks (the internal ones)
  • 2 lemons
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts
  • A quarter cup olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon full of dijon mustard.
  • Salt by taste



In the bowl: Squeeze two lemons, crush the garlic, add the mustard, olive oil, salt and mix well.


Slice the salmon and add it to the bowl. Make sure the sauce wraps the fish well from every direction. Place in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes (or until you finish preparing the other ingredients).


Chop the parsley, the coriander and the celery and spread one-third of the quantity at the bottom of the baking pan.


Chop the nuts and slice the tomatoes into very thin slices of about ½ of an inch.


Arrange the pieces of fish in the pan, on the green herbs we chopped.


spread the rest of the herbs on top of the fish.


Spread the nuts evenly, and on top of them spread the tomato slices as a last layer.


If there is any sauce left, spread it on the top. Then, cover the baking pan with aluminum foil and place it in a preheated oven to 428 F for half an hour.


After half an hour, remove the aluminum foil and put the fish back in the oven for another ten minutes.


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