Dating & Relationships/ My Pearls Of Wisdom/ Sharing

Now It’s Easy To Find Your Mate

There is a proverb in Judaism that says that life and death in his hand to Sean. There are countless practical parables to this sentence. And not vain.
When we say, ask or wish for something, the universe accepts it, its walls begin to move.
Following my post about summons, my email was flooded with questions such as “What to write?” “How many details should I write?” “I got the guy that I had summoned for but we broke up quite quickly” etc.
A while ago, someone wrote her story to me and it caused me a shiver. She made a summon and as a result, she met the love of her life. Just as my relationship with Dima started, theirs also moved faster than usual. The parents on both sides met and got to know each other and she felt high up in the clouds.. But one day, all of a sudden, like a thunderstorm in a clear day he told her that he had a terminal illness and that he would understand if she wanted the relationship to end. She of course refused to hear about it saying she had kissed too many frogs until she found her prince. She added that his mother did not like her and she did not understand why, because her parents really adored him. She was totally broken and wrote and asked for my advice. She read her summons to me; it included the fact that her parents loved him and she repeated it twice, but forgot to mention the nature of her relationship with his parents, as well as his health condition. She was wandering whether she could add wishes to an existing summon or whether she should write a new one. Of course after her approval, I decided to write about it.
I’m not God. I certainly believe in him (or her?) and believe that when we know what we want ,then God / magical energy / the universe, will send it to us in a very high and beneficial way to our highest advantage. I believe that when a person is confused and does not know what he wants in her\his mate, he\she will various dates.. There is meaning to what we ask for. There is meaning to what we say. I do not believe there is any importance to the order we write things when make a list of wishes. I do believe that it is important to phrase it correctly- one of the rules in writing the list is to go down to small details, to be very very petty about it.
I thought of writing different ways of phrasing, in the hope that you will find them suitable to you and that they will help you  to find the right partner for you.
As for the girl that I had told you about , I told her that God is great and goodness exists in every situation. And a new list would bring her something else because that’s who he is. And that she need to make a summons for a long, healthy life together, of a happiness, because nothing is engraved in the rock. Faith in goodness is so strong that it can move mountains. So never stop believing.

Now It's Easy To Find Your Mate

“All almighty, the creator of all, the magic energy of creation, thank you for finding the perfect match for me..” this is the opening and from that point you should continue thanking for the good qualities you wish he will have:
For being a good listener
For being so considerate
Thank you that he knows how to be a friend
Warm person
Good looking in my opinion
Having High emotional intelligence
Relationship type
Know how to deal with money
Physically and mentally healthy
Know what he wants
Owner of the gene for monogamy Straight (who did not come out of the closet at the age of 50)

Note that it is not obligatory to write everything I wrote, just what is suitable  for you. Some people do not care if their spouse is quick or educated. Some people do not really care if the spouse is cynical or even prefer him\her not to be one. Pick the qualities that are relevant to you.
After describing qualities that one needs, I believe it is worthwhile to write the relationship qualities:

Thanks for making me the most important person in his life
Thank you for taking care of me and all my needs
Thanks for being appreciated by him
Thanks for wanting to marry me and bring children with me
Thank you for making our marriage to last forever
Thank you that  I can trust him in everything
Thank you for having mutual respect
Thank you that we are able to talk about everything
Thanks for that he knows how to cheer me up
Thank you that  my friends and family love him
Thank you that his friends and family love me
Thank you that our families get along perfectly
Thank you that everything started smoothly and continued smoothly – that everything is accurate and correct.
Thank you for our children – who are healthy and wonderful.
Thank you for our house – a house that is always full of goodness, love and joy.
Thank you for all this abundance! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!
Note that all writing is in the present tense and everything is written in a positive way.
You may find all the “rules” to write a summon here.

I hope that it would  help you guys!!! Share with your single friends who wants to find their mate.
If you like this post, if you have any questions, you are more than welcome to write me a comment, here or on Facebook!

Now It's Easy To Find Your Mate

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