Cooking/ Sweets

Apple Pie Recipe- From Scratch!

I don’t know how the fruit prices around the globe but in Israel  they skyrocketing. It’s just crazy. And when you buy any kind of fruit that doesn’t taste good – it’s really infuriating.
My Noam really likes the Pink Lady apples. Last week I peeled him an apple, cut it up and served. He tasted one, and was refused to eat the rest. I tasted one piece to understand why he is not eating. It was bitter. So what should I do with all the apples? throw them away? It’s like I’m throwing away 3$ per pound.
Friday came and I decided to make my mother’s apple pie for Shabbat dinner. It is the most delicious and impressive pie you will ever make.
My mom insists that apple pie should be made from green apples – I claim that it doesn’t matter and it tastes just as good with all kind of apples. So if you are stuck with a big amount of apples/pears this is the recipe for you.


For the crust:
2  cups of all purpose flour
½ cup of sugar
1 tablespoon of lemon zest – optional
2 egg yolks
1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
200 grams of butter at room temperature
For the pie filling:
5-6 large apples or pears
½  cup of dried cranberries or dried cherries
¾ cup of sugar
½  cup of coarsely chopped walnuts
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
½ tablespoon of cornflour


Preparation of the crust:
1. Put all the ingredients for the crust (flour, butter, egg yolks, vanilla extract, lemon zest and sugar) in a bowl and mix until combined
2. Put the dough in the fridge. It’s just easier to work with this dough when it’s cool
Preparation of the filling:
1. Peel, and then cut the apples in half. Remove the cores, and then slice into thin slices
2. Put the dried cranberries, the sugar, the walnuts, the cinnamon and the cornflour in a bowl and mix
3. Add the apples and mix until all the apples are well coated in the dry mixture
Assembling the pie:
I used a 24 cm springform pan with removable bottom, to gt the effect of the exposed crust
1. Take out the dough from the fridge and cut about a quarter of it and leave it aside. This will be used to make the shapes on top of the pie
2. Grease well the pan (you can use the butter wrapper )
3. Roll out the dough on baking paper (just because it’s easier and the dough doesn’t stick to the counter top) and line it in the cake pan. I like to use my hands to tighten it, so that the crust and bottom will be even.
4. Cut unnecessary edges of the dough and keep them aside and prick the surface of the dough with a fork
5. Transfer the mixture of apples to the mold, and with the help of a spoon or spatula, level it so  it is  even throughout the cake pan
6. Remember the edges of the dough we put aside? So together with the quarter of the dough that we left in advance, roll them out and cut into thin cookies in whatever shape you want and arrange them on top of the apples. I made hearts and butterfly
7. Bake between 50 minutes to an hour (depending on the oven) at 180 C \350 F
8. Let the pie rest for about an hour, then open the springform pan and take out the cake
Apple Pie Recipe- From Scratch!

 How pretty is that? And you made it by yourself from scratch! How cool is that??
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Apple Pie Recipe- From Scratch!

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